Group of Four paints again…

…this time with watercolours.  Our group resumed last week with a painting lesson.  I have an artist friend who is just wonderful at inspiring children to create their own works of art.  She came and spent a little over two hours introducing the group to watercolours.  We could have spent twice as long, it was such a great session.  The first project was simply to see what watercolour paints do when added to the wet watercolour paper.  The children were all encouraged to, “see the magic”, a phrase which has crept into conversation at our place several times since the lesson.  Watching the colours blend and bleed into each other was indeed magical.

After the completing the first experimental “painting” all the children tried creating colour gradations and then did a cloud and water scene. The finished paintings were as individual as our eleven children but all showing the beautiful effects of watercolour magic.

As one of the artists said, “I don’t usually like my paintings, but I love this one!”

4 thoughts on “Group of Four paints again…

  1. Rosina

    That is so neat. I really want to try this with my kids but for some reason I’m scared to try it out *grin*. I should just do it! It looks like so much fun 🙂 Thanks for sharing


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